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Mary J. Blige explains why she sang to Clinton during Apple Music interview

“Mary J. Blige said she decided to sing Bruce Springsteen’s ‘American Skin (41 Shots)’ to Hillary Clinton during her recent interview because she was trying to get the Democratic presidential nominee to feel and understand the widening frustration among blacks in America over police brutality and similar topics,” Mesfin Fekadu reports for The Associated Press.

“A pair of clips teasing Blige’s interview with Clinton was roundly mocked Tuesday, including a brief video of Blige singing to Clinton, leaving some confused,” Fekadu reports. “But on Wednesday at a meeting with journalists to discuss the interview, which is the first episode of her new Apple Music show, ‘The 411,’ Blige said she wanted Clinton to feel the overwhelming feeling she felt when she first heard Springsteen’s 2000 song.”

“Blige, 45, said people will truly understand what she was doing when the 30-minute interview with Clinton becomes available for streaming on Friday… Blige, a nine-time Grammy winner, first launched a radio show with Apple Music called ‘Real Talk’ last year. She said she is planning to film more interviews for ‘The 411,’ though it won’t include her singing from her seat,” Fekadu reports. “‘That will never happen again. That was just for her,’ she said.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Yeesh.

Mary J. Blige’s Apple Music show interview with Hillary Clinton instantly mocked online – September 28, 2016

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