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Mossberg: Steve Jobs continued working on Apple television set after his resignation

“Steve Jobs stepped down as CEO of Apple five years ago, but he didn’t plan on leaving the company,” Peter Kafka reports for Recode. “Instead, Jobs was going to focus his energy on one very specific, secret project: Apple’s reinvention of TV — including the TV set itself.”

“Walt Mossberg, Recode’s editor at large and an executive editor at The Verge, says Jobs called him on the night he announced he was formally handing over control of his company to Tim Cook, and told him about his TV ambitions,” Kafka reports. “‘I think we figured out a way to do it, and it’s going to be fantastic,’ Jobs told Mossberg, and invited him to see what he was working on. But Jobs died less than two months later. And to this date Apple has only taken tentative steps into the TV industry.”

“Now, Jobs’s interest in TV is only a historical footnote. But his intent, as conveyed to Mossberg, helps clear up conflicting reports about Apple’s TV ambitions,” Kafka reports. “Jobs didn’t go into details about the hardware and the programming Jobs wanted it to carry. But Mossberg believes he was talking about an integrated set, not a version of the set-top box Apple sells today.”

If you would have asked me five minutes after we hung up, I would have said he was going to reinvent the whole TV set. It would be Apple-esque, meaning it was high quality, and very easy to use. But he was thinking about more than hardware — that was clear, too. — Walt Mossberg

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Surely Jony Ive, at the very least, knew what it was as well as knowing why it doesn’t exist today or, more precisely, which parts of it exist in current Apple TVs and which parts may well be unveiled in future Apple TVs.

Apple’s rumored “new” TV guide plan may well be based upon Steve Jobs’ original plan all along since content discovery, as it was in 2011, remains one of the most vexing problems with “TV” today.

Apple’s new TV plan is a TV guide – August 4, 2016
Steve Jobs’ told biographer: ‘I finally cracked’ the secret to an easy-to-use integrated HDTV – October 21, 2011
Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple; Tim Cook named CEO, Jobs elected Chairman of the Board – August 24, 2011

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