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How young is too young for an iPhone?

“It’s not easy being a parent. Balancing your child’s wants and needs with what you feel is best for them can be tricky,” Simon Hill writes for Digital Trends. “A particularly thorny issue for today’s parents is the question of when to give your child a smartphone. Is there a right age? How do you know that your child is ready to own a smartphone? What can you do to mitigate the dangers and how should you handle the process?”

“Virtually every kid wants a smartphone. The peer pressure to own one is huge. But smartphones are powerful devices that offer access to every corner of the internet, the ability to upload video and photos of yourself, and an easy way to communicate with anyone,” Hill writes. “They have great potential to enrich lives, but they can also cause serious problems, even for adults, never mind for children with less impulse control.”

Hill writes, “The average age for a child to get their first smartphone is currently 10.3 years according to the recent Influence Central report, Kids & Tech: The Evolution of Today’s Digital Natives.”

Much more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It depends on the kid.

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