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Apple iPhone is attracting millions of Android switchers

“The latest Fluent data suggests interest in the next iPhone 7 is muted in contrast to previous years, with only one in three existing users thinking its release is a big deal,” Jonny Evans writes for Computerworld. “All the same, Apple is attracting far more Android switchers than it is losing iPhone users.”

“Fluent believes 29 percent of all iPhone users will definitely buy a new phone this year, and while 87 percent of them will stick with Apple (21.8 million), 6 percent will switch to Android. This suggests that around 1.5 million US iPhone users will make this switch.,” Evans writes. “22 percent of Android users will ‘definitely’ upgrade their device this year, and while 76 percent of them will stick with that platform, 17 percent will switch to iPhone. This works out to mean 3.91 million Android users seem likely to switch to Apple’s new iPhone this year.”

“Overall it means for every iPhone user abandoning the platform, just over two Android users switch (or, conceivably, switch back) to iPhone. That this is the direction of travel is a positive outcome for Apple,” Evans writes. “Put all the data together and it suggests the company will sell at least 25 million new iPhones in the next 12-months in the US alone, which is a good business, if not record-breaking.”

Much more in the full article – recommended – here.

MacDailyNews Take: The tide is positive for iPhone. As the settlers awaken, Apple benefits.

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