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Is this the future Apple TV?

“Apple has been working in TV for long enough that we know the company is planning, or has considered multiple strategies to transform television, including creating its own Apple TV-technology-equipped television set,” Jonny Evans writes for Apple Must. “But is this really something it needs to do?”

“We don’t purchase televisions with anything like as much frequency as we purchase other consumer electronic products. When we buy a TV we expect to be using it for many years. We get used to its looming presence,” Evans writes. “We replace the boxes beside our televisions far more frequently. But what if we could replace the television with a box?”

“Perhaps one day we will be able to do just that, reading between the lines of the new Aiptek i70 MobileCinema micro-projector… It projects 70 lumens in sharp, high-contrast images to up to 80 inches. The resolution of 854 x 480 pixels at 80,” Evans writes. “Who knows, as the technology improves perhaps something like this truly could be the future of Apple TV.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The tech would have to advance quite a bit to match what we’re seeing right now on our Sony 4K TVs.

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