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Snowden designs a device to warn if your iPhone’s radios are snitching

“When Edward Snowden met with reporters in a Hong Kong hotel room to spill the NSA’s secrets, he famously asked them put their phones in the fridge to block any radio signals that might be used to silently activate the devices’ microphones or cameras,” Andy Greenberg reports for Wired.

“So it’s fitting that three years later, he’s returned to that smartphone radio surveillance problem,” Greenberg reports. “”Now Snowden’s attempting to build a solution that’s far more compact than a hotel mini-bar.

“On Thursday at the MIT Media Lab, Snowden and well-known hardware hacker Andrew ‘Bunnie’ Huang plan to present designs for a case-like device that wires into your iPhone’s guts to monitor the electrical signals sent to its internal antennas,” Greenberg reports. “The aim of that add-on, Huang and Snowden say, is to offer a constant check on whether your phone’s radios are transmitting. They say it’s an infinitely more trustworthy method of knowing your phone’s radios are off than ‘airplane mode,’ which people have shown can be hacked and spoofed.”

Much more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Better safe than sorry.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Botvinnik” for the heads up.]

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