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Google Maps and Google Earth get sharper satellite imagery

“When Google Earth was first released, it was life-changing,” Brian Fagioli reports for BetaNews. “While people take it for granted now, seeing aerial views of the entire planet — including something as mundane as your neighbor’s roof — was something many folks never thought possible. This satellite imagery is now used in other mapping solutions, such as the ubiquitous Google Maps, giving us the ability to see the world from the comfort of our homes.”

“Today, the search giant announces that its imagery has been improved,” Fagioli reports. “‘Landsat 8, which launched into orbit in 2013, is the newest sensor in the USGS/NASA Landsat Program — superior to its predecessors in many ways. Landsat 8 captures images with greater detail, truer colors, and at an unprecedented frequency — capturing twice as many images as Landsat 7 does every day. This new rendition of Earth uses the most recent data available — mostly from Landsat 8 — making it our freshest global mosaic to date,’ says Chris Herwig, Program Manager, Google Earth Engine.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We vaguely remember when we used to like Google. You know, before they stooped to blatant theft.

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Apple to ITC: Android started at Apple while Andy Rubin worked for us – September 2, 2011

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