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Demand for Apple’s iPhone SE still outstripping supply

“Apple’s latest iPhone launch was out of the norm in a more than one way,” Daniel Sparks writes for The Motley Fool. “First, it came mid-cycle, debuting between launches of its flagship iPhones. Second, the phone Apple introduced was priced lower than any new iPhone has ever been priced. Given its out-of-character launch, investors were uncertain how the phone would fare in the market. But, so far, it’s looking like a success — so much so that Apple’s production of the new, smaller iPhone hasn’t yet caught up with demand.”

“U.S. customers ordering an iPhone SE on Apple’s website will have to wait longer than they would if they ordered any other model, AppleInsider pointed out on Wednesday. The earliest a customer can get a new iPhone SE online from Apple is June 28, or just under two weeks. Wait times for online orders of iPhone SE are similar in markets outside the U.S.,” Sparks write. “Apple’s supply constrained iPhone SE poses a problem: As long as demand for the new phone exceeds supply, Apple is either delaying — or possibly even missing out on — potential incremental revenue opportunity.”

“But there’s more downside to Apple’s supply-constrained iPhone SE than a missed revenue opportunity,” Sparks writes. “The type of customers the iPhone SE is attracting represents an important segment for Apple that could benefit it over the long haul: new customers.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: As always, demand outstripping supply is a nice problem to have. Hopefully, Apple will get the SE in balance sooner than later.

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