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Apple tax probe verdict may come next month Irish Finance Minister Noonan says

“The European Commission may deliver its verdict on Apple Inc.’s tax arrangements in Ireland as soon as next month, according to Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan, offering the first clues to a firm timeline for a decision,” Stephanie Bodoni reports for Bloomberg.

Bodoni reports, “‘The speculation now is that the commission may make a decision sometime in July,’ Noonan said in an interview in Luxembourg on Thursday. ‘But we don’t know that with certainty. It’s the general feel around Brussels that they’re walking toward a July decision.'”

“Ireland will fight any negative commission decision to the EU courts, Noonan said,” Bodoni reports. “The government will ‘vigorously defend’ any adverse Apple tax decision…”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple followed the law when paying their taxes:

There was no special deal that we cut with Ireland. We simply followed the laws in the country over the 35 years that we have been in Ireland. If the question is, was there ever a ‘quid pro quo’ that we were trying to strike with the Irish government – that was never the case. We’ve always been very transparent with the Irish government that we wanted to be a good corporate citizen… If countries change the tax laws, we will abide by the new laws and we will pay taxes according to those laws. – Apple CFO Luca Maestri

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U.S. demands EU reconsider tax probes of its companies – February 12, 2016
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Apple CEO Cook lobbies EU antitrust chief over Irish back taxes – January 21, 2016
Think Ireland’s corporate tax is unfair? Wave goodbye to Apple and thousands of jobs if it’s changed – November 14, 2015
Apple announces 1,000 new jobs in Ireland as EU tax ruling nears – November 11, 2015
Apple tax probe won’t hurt Ireland, Finance Minister Noonan says – October 5, 2015
EU’s Vestager says will not complete tax inquiries of Apple, others in second quarter – May 5, 2015
Apple warns of potential ‘material’ financial damage from European tax probe – April 29, 2015
Apple may have to pay Ireland 10 years of back taxes – April 30, 2015
EU’s plans to tackle corporate tax avoidance hits first roadblocks — February 12, 2015
Ireland’s Prime Minister: Apple has nothing to fear from end of ‘Double Irish’ tax avoidance strategy – November 4, 2014

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