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Greenpeace: Apple should set a better example with its supplier report

“Apple says conditions at the factories where its iPhones and iPads are made have improved, but Greenpeace responded that the company should set a better example reporting on its suppliers,” Agam Shah reports for IDG News Service.

“‘Apple’s latest Supplier Responsibility Progress Report certainly highlights the importance Apple is placing on improving its supply chain, but this year’s report lacks detail on where problems remain and how they plan to address these issues,’ Greenpeace said,” Shah reports. “The environmental group acknowledged that policing supply chains is a ‘major challenge’ for large manufacturers like Apple, but it called on the company to provide more clarity about how its suppliers are performing.”

Shah reports, “‘We expect a leader like Apple to set a greater example for the industry,’ Greenpeace said.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple is doing an exemplary job in many respects, but it doesn’t hurt to push them to do even better. Which such a large and complex supply chain, this is a job that’s never finished.

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