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Apple’s iPhone and iPad to get shots in the arms today

“Apple has invited tech reporters and analysts to its Silicon Valley headquarters, where CEO Tim Cook is expected to unveil some new additions to its current family of iPhone and iPad devices,” Brandon Bailey reports for The Associated Press. “So far, however, there have been no hints of any dramatic announcements, such as last year’s highly anticipated Apple Watch debut, or major initiatives like the company’s long-rumored but yet-to-materialize streaming TV service.”

“Apple could use a shot in the arm. iPhone sales are levelling off, after surging last year to record levels that made Apple the world’s biggest company by stock market value. And many are wondering if Cook can come up with another big hit,” Bailey reports. “And the very next day, Apple is set to square off in court against the FBI over its demand that the company help it unlock a mass shooter’s encrypted iPhone. While that dispute has drawn heated rhetoric, most Apple watchers say it’s unlikely to play a major role at Monday’s product launch.”

“‘There’s been a lot less noise’ around Monday’s event, compared with similar gatherings in the past, said Gartner tech analyst Brian Blau,” Bailey reports. “Even so, he cautioned against ruling out any surprises. ‘Apple is such a secretive company. They do keep things under wraps as long as possible.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: We’ll be covering Apple’s event live later today. Check our home page for the link as we get closer to the 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern start time.

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