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The U.S. government’s fight with Apple could backfire big time

“Ever since a court ordered Apple to provide the FBI access to an iPhone owned by one of the San Bernardino shooters, I have been talking to various legal authorities and Washington insiders to get a real-world sense of how this could play out,’ Tim Bajarin writes for PC Magazine.

“Clearly, Apple is highly committed to its position; Tim Cook told ABC that it’s willing to take this to the Supreme Court if needed,” Bajarin writes. “In the FBI’s mind, it’s a one-off situation that will gain the public’s support because of the terrorism connection. But I get a sense that while the FBI did expect Apple to appeal, it did not anticipate that Apple would use this case to champion the importance of personal privacy and security and take it to the Supreme Court.”

“I am getting a sense from people in the know that the FBI may have bit off more than it could chew with this legal maneuver,” Bajarin writes. “It might even end up being counterproductive, as it will force government officials and the higher court to, at the very least, give it and us more precise rules and laws on this critical issue.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It also compels Apple to make iOS even more secure. How about encrypted iCloud backups next, Apple?

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. – Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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