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Fixing iTunes: To the iCloud!

“iTunes was originally based on SoundJam MP, an MP3 player and sync app Apple acquired in 2000. The launch of iTunes in 2001, alongside the iPod and, eventually, the iPhone, drove Apple’s resurgence and led to the greatest financial comeback in the history of… history. Yet our greatest strengths are often our greatest weaknesses, and while iTunes continues to serve more people in more ways than ever before, it’s now become the poster app for Apple’s ‘software problems,'” Rene Ritchie writes for iMore. “So, what can be done about it?”

“Certainly everyone inside the Apple feels the same pains as we do on the outside,” Ritchie writes. “We have the luxury of complaining about it, though. They have the equally impossible task of actually doing It… As much as we all say we want change, the vast majority of us are still going to hate it in whole or in part. Because it will be different. And it will hurt.”

“When you need to replace a bridge, you don’t simply blow up the old bridge and then start work on a new one. Not unless your goal is absolute disaster. Instead, you start building one or more new bridges first and then you carefully start redirecting people onto them,” Ritchie writes. “The first new bridge for iTunes feels like it needs to be iCloud.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Yes, and we agree with Ritchie, when the switch is flipped, make sure it’s clearly marked “beta.” We don’t need another Maps fiasco.

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