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Apple patent application reveals work on social network with ‘staggering implications’

“Recent filings with the United States Patent and Trademark Office reveal that Apple looks to be forming a social network to compete directly with Facebook,” Ophir Gottlieb writes for Capital Market Laboratories. “What’s more, Apple is firing over the bow of not just Facebook, but of a huge range of other companies including Uber, Lyft, Yelp, and many more. The implications are staggering.”

“In 2014, Tim Cook revealed that Apple handles 40 billion iMessage notifications per day. This February, Eddy Cue, the head of Apple services, revealed that Apple’s iMessage peaks at 200,000 messages a second. For reference, if that peak lasted year-round, we’re looking at 63 quadrillion messages,” Gottlieb writes. “Of all the successes Apple can point to, why would they hype their message rates?”

“We did some digging on recent Apple applications to the USPTO, and what we found was shocking,” Gottlieb writes. “Apple is automatically forming social networks. Apple is not only tracking where people eat and shop, they are targeting ride sharing as well – social networks automatically created around where people tend to travel. This is a direct threat to Uber and its $68 billion valuation.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Of course, all of this would be opt-in. The user would determine the level of tracking and participation.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Yojimbo007” for the heads up.]

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