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Ten 3D Touch Messages secrets iPhone users need

“We know Apple will continue to place 3D Touch shortcuts across all its product lines as it works to introduce new depth into its user interfaces,” Jonny Evans writes for Computerworld, “meanwhile you’ll find lots of ways to use this feature in every app, including Messages for iPhone, so long as your device supports 3D Touch.”

“Tap and hold the Messages icon on the Home screen and you’ll be presented with a shortcut that lets you send a New Message or continue one of your three most recent conversations,” Evans writes. “Tap the ‘New Message’ choice and the cursor will automatically be in position in the address field in the next display so you can define the recipient right away.”

“You’ve probably noticed that when you press and hold a conversation in the Messages list you can see the most recent exchanges in the chat, or you can press a little harder to open the conversation,” Evans writes. “What you might have missed is that when you press a conversation and swipe up you can respond with a standard message or tap “Custom” to write your own reply.”

Eight more tips for using 3D Touch in Messages in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: There are some good tips that iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus Messages users can really use to be more efficient. Try ’em out!

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dan K.” for the heads up.]

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