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Why you should avoid free VPNs

“VPNs are great tools for helping secure your internet access on an unsecured Wi-Fi network, such as those at McDonald’s, but did you know that not all VPNs are created equally?” Anthony Bouchard writes for iDownloadBlog. “By using a free VPN that you haven’t carefully read the terms and conditions of, you might be putting your privacy at more of a risk than it would have been just using the unsecured Wi-Fi network to browse the web in the first place.”

“Free VPN services have to pay for their servers somehow, and this typically means tracking information about your web browsing activity to sell to third parties, whether anonymous or not,” Bouchard writes. “Many free VPN providers claim to provide you with shelter from snoopers, just to snoop on you themselves.”

“By now you’re probably thinking I’m trying to sell you on some kind of paid VPN service, but that isn’t the case. The whole point of this piece is to get you thinking about your privacy,” Bouchard writes. “On the other hand, there are some paid VPNs out there that have a good reputation for security.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Good advice: Always read the terms and conditions!

What’s the best VPN, free or paid, that you’ve found?

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