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Eddy Cue explains why Apple created the Apple News app

Apple Senior Vice President Eddy Cue spoke with CNN’s Brian Stelter and explained how the company’s news algorithm serves up a broader mix of perspectives.

Brian Stelter: Why create a pre-installed iPhone and iPad app specifically for news?
Eddy Cue: We’ve only created the apps that we think everyone uses every day… We really wanted to create a single app that all customers could go to, to read all their news — no matter what they are interested in, no matter what topics, no matter what publications they want to follow — and get that experience that they’re used to with our products, where it looks beautiful, it’s really easy to read and yet it provides all the content available around the world.

Stelter: Do you see this app as a way for upstart news organizations or tiny publishers in small towns to distribute their stories?
Cue: I absolutely believe in that. It was one of our main goals when we were building Apple News. We thought of things from, you know, even church newsletters to a stamp club… A lot of those organizations today still print and mail, which is even more expensive.

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Stelter: There have been reports about the app being blocked in China. What is its status there?
Cue: We’re working on a version for China that hopefully we will be able to introduce soon. We’ve got a great Chinese customer base and we want to deliver as great of an experience in China as we do here in the U.S.

Read more in the full article here.

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