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Reports of iPad’s death have been greatly exaggerated

“According to Adobe, Apple’s iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini — it didn’t specify which version — were two of the four best-selling electronics products online during the two-day Thanksgiving and Black Friday period,” Adam Levine-Weinberg writes for The Motley Fool.

“Thanks to its big gift card offers, Target was probably the biggest winner from the strong demand for iPads,” Levine-Weinberg writes. “It began its ‘Black Friday’ sale online early on Thanksgiving Day and then opened its stores at 6 p.m. that evening. Target says that it sold an average of an iPad a second throughout Thanksgiving Day. If that’s literally true, then Target sold 86,400 iPads on Thanksgiving. That’s not too shabby for a supposedly moribund product on a single day at a single retailer that operates in a single country!”

“Consumers showed last week that they are still interested in buying iPads: at least if they’re on sale,” Levine-Weinberg writes. “The apparently strong sales performance at mass retailers like Target on Thanksgiving and Black Friday suggests that a return to growth could be right around the corner.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Imagine the sales if Apple actually had a new — instead of a 13-month old — 9.7-inch iPad available for sale this year!

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