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Get ready to kiss the MacBook Air goodbye, and say hello to more MacBooks

“Trying to predict the future of technology is a risky endeavor at best, and never more so when attempting to do it with one of the most secretive companies in the field,” Ben Lovejoy writes for 9to5Mac.

“But never let it be said I don’t ‘fess up when my predictions don’t pan out,” Lovejoy writes. “Two years ago, I reckoned that the MacBook Air and Pro ranges would have merged by now. When the MacBook Air was first launched, it made a lot of compromises to fit into that slim casing. But over the years, the Air got more powerful and the Pro started to make similar compromises in pursuit of a sleeker form-factor. Both went SSD, both went non-upgradable RAM, neither had an optical drive, neither had an Ethernet port.”

“It seemed to me then that the differences between the two ranges would continue to dwindle until there was really nothing to separate them. But as things turned out, Apple had one surprise in store for me,” Lovejoy writes. “The MacBook Air wasn’t the end of the company’s ambitions when it came to making a laptop as slim as humanly possible. It of course launched an even sleeker model, the 12-inch MacBook.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: 13- and 15-inch MacBooks, the 12-inch MacBook’s big brothers, would be mighty tempting, but we’ve already been through this with the MacBook Air and chose the 11-inc because the number one time on our list when it comes to portable Macs is – drum roll, please – portability. (That said, we’d have to see and test ’em all first before we could decide for sure!)

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