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T-Mobile skywrites ‘END OVERAGES NOW’ over Verizon headquarters

“It seems like every other week we’re writing about T-Mobile’s attempts to garner attention via, shall we say, nonstandard PR. Usually, it comes in the form of Twitter hijinks from its bombastic CEO, John Legere,” Dieter Bohn reports for The Verge.

“It’s trolling, basically. You set the terms of the debate and make enough noise to draw somebody in,” Bohn reports. “To get a response from Verizon, T-Mobile took its trolling off Twitter and into the real world — into the airspace over Verizon’s headquarters, to be exact. T-Mobile sent a skywriting plane to fly over Basking Ridge, NJ and write the words ‘End overages now’ in the sky.”

“See, back in April of 2014 T-Mobile made the switch to stop charging overage fees for data, opting instead to throttle users that go over their plan to lower data speeds. It would like other carriers to do the same — or rather, it would very much like you to know that other carriers charge overage fees. But question of whether T-Mobile is genuinely trying to get Verizon to change its wireless plans or not is beside the point. What T-Mobile actually wants is a low-stakes Twitter fight with Verizon that will draw attention to T-Mobile,” Bohn reports. “It got it.”

See the photo and all of the tweets here.

MacDailyNews Take: Dumb pipes, regardless of name, we are iPhone users: Kneel before us, proffer deals, and beg for profusely for our much-coveted business.

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