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Adobe makes Adobe Photoshop Lightroom app for iOS free for everyone

“Adobe’s Lightroom Mobile app for iPad and iPhone has generally been known as a companion app for the company’s desktop photo management tool,” Jackie Dove reports for TNW. “While it was always available free for download, it required the desktop app — and a subscription to Creative Cloud — to achieve a meaningful workflow. No longer.”

“Lightroom for mobile on iOS can now be used locally on your phone or tablet without the desktop Lightroom app, without a Creative Cloud Photography Plan subscription and even without an Adobe ID,” Dove reports. “This move is part of an overall desire to broaden the audience. By letting people use Lightroom for mobile without Creative Cloud, Adobe is making the app competitive with other popular standalone photo editing apps like Snapseed or Pixelmator’s mobile version.”

“This new version adds a number of features, including a camera function that lets you shoot directly from the app,” Dove reports. “The famous new Dehaze filter, now in the desktop app, is also present in mobile. A new Target Adjustment Tool in the Color/B&W tool lets you adjust hue, saturation and brightness directly throughout the image.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: More info via Apple’s App Store here.

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