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Apple should double down on Apple Watch’s health sensors, battery life, and waterproofing

“Last week, my life changed. Shortly after our kids went to school, my wife stopped breathing in our home. I was able to get her breathing again, and thanks to 911 and outstanding EMTs, she survived to be diagnosed with Brugada Syndrome, a rare heart condition that typically goes undetected before a massive, fatal attack,” Jeremy Horwitz writes for 9to5Mac. “Once Brugada was suspected, doctors looked for records of her heartbeat, but couldn’t find much on file. Between ER and ICU visits, I remembered that her iPhone’s Health app contained three months of heart rate data, because her Apple Watch had been passively recording it. But would that data actually be useful?”

“Given what my wife just went through, I have a newfound appreciation for the Apple Watch’s existing heart rate sensor, and a strong request for Apple: Be bold on expanding Apple Watch’s health features, as well as its ability to be continuously worn,” Horwitz writes. “It’s nice for a watch to estimate calories burned after a workout, but merely having advance notice of her irregular heart rate could have prevented my wife’s near-death experience, and who knows how many other lives better sensors could save.”

“With a handful of improvements, I’m certain that Apple will win some additional purchases from my household, as well as many others,” Horwitz writes. “And it will probably go from assisting with exercise to quantifiably saving some lives along the way.”

Much more in the full article – recommended – here.

MacDailyNews Take: First off, we wish Horwitz’s wife the best of health.

Now, the ability to wear Apple Watch while swimming – Apple condoned and backed – would be huge. We have worn them during showers with no ill effects. Having a battery that lasts longer and recharges faster in order to measure sleep as well as it already measures during waking hours. But, chemistry and battery technology being what it is, we wouldn’t hold our breath for that. More and better sensors are our strongest hope for Apple Watch 2.

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