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Chinese heir buys two solid gold Apple Watch Editions for his dog

Nicole Goodkind reports for Yahoo Finance, “The 27-year-old son son of China’s richest man is causing quite a stir in Shanghai after posting photos of his dog wearing two gold Apple Watches with the caption, ‘“I have new watches! I’m supposed to have four watches since I have four long legs. But that seems too uncouth so I kept it down to two, which totally fits my status. Do you have one?'”

“Apple’s gold watches retail for between $10,000 and $17,000 per watch depending on specifications and currently have a 3 to 4 week wait time,” Goodkind reports. “Wang Sicong is the son of Wang Jianlin who runs the real estate development company Dalian Wanda and is worth approximately $34 billion.”

“The dog reportedly lives a lavish lifestyle. According to Chinese news agencies, he only drinks Fiji water and is walked with Hermes leashes,” Goodkind reports. “Wang’s father who also owns movie-theatre chain AMC, blamed his son’s Western education on his faux pas saying that he had not yet learned Chinese subtlety.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Hermes leashes? How gauche.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “David E.” for the heads up.]

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