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Analyst: Apple Watch is ‘going to be huge’ despite ongoing supply issues

“Some consumers are still waiting for Apple Inc.’s long-awaited smartwatch,” Louis Bedigian writes for Benzinga.

MacDailyNews Take: “Some?” Try “most.”

“The hype and anticipation was supposed to come to an end on April 24, but the company reportedly had a number of supply issues that prevented Apple from selling its newest device in its own stores. A report by The Wall Street Journal indicated that a faulty Taptic Engine could be to blame for Apple’s troubles,” Bedigian writes. “In a note to investors, Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdhry said that this issue has been solved and referred to the story as ‘old news.'”

“‘I think the watch is going to be huge,’ Tigress Financial Partners analyst Ivan Feinseth told Benzinga. ‘All you have to do is go to the store and look at the watch, play with it and test it out and you will understand the impact that it will have,'” Bedigian writes. “Many analysts expect Apple to sell 20 million watches during the first 12 months at retail. Feinseth said that would be just a few percentage points of Apple’s total market penetration for the existing iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 user base. ‘But 20-25, 30 percent of iPhone users could adopt and use the watch,’ he said. ‘That’s about 100 million watches. So you’re talking about a real product line. That’s a very important product line.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple Watch is a device you have to see and use. Once people see what it does, they will flock to get theirs, too.

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