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Cedars-Sinai Medical Center connects Apple’s HealthKit to 80,000 patients

“Apple Inc.’s health-tracking software is being connected to patient files at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, marking the largest integration yet for the tech company’s foray into the health industry,” Tim Higgins reports for Bloomberg.

“The hospital updated its online medical records system this weekend, turning on access to HealthKit for more than 80,000 patients, Darren Dworkin, chief information officer at Cedars-Sinai, said in an interview,” Higgins reports. “HealthKit, which synchronizes data from various health and fitness apps, was introduced last year along with the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus and is a major part of the new Apple Watch, which went on sale last week.”

“More than 900 health, medical and fitness apps are now integrated with HealthKit, according to Apple. The Mayo Clinic and Duke University Hospital are among the other medical centers connected to the system,” Higgins reports. “The change at Cedars-Sinai allows patients using HealthKit to integrate personal medical information with their patient files, giving online access to their doctors. Weight, blood pressure, steps taken, glucose levels and oxygen saturation levels are among the kinds of data monitored through HealthKit. ‘Rather than turn it on as sort of an opt-in, we’ve basically enabled it for all of our patients,’ Dworkin said in an interview last week. ‘The opt-out is just don’t use it.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple technology will actually save lives.

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