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Apple seeds iOS 8.4 preview with radical Music overhaul

“There’s a new version of iOS. Yes really. iOS 8.4 comes just five days after the company launched iOS 8.3 (which fixed one big issue but caused another) and the first beta hits developers with something very interesting: a revamped music service,” Gordon Kelly writes for Forbes.

“Unfortunately at this stage it isn’t that music service, but there is still plenty of time for Apple to bake in a Beats Music-based streaming product,” Kelly writes. “In fact such a service is likely to get its own event prior to launch so this is Apple just getting the foundations right.”

“So what is the Music service in question?” Kelly writes. “It’s an overhaul of the core ‘Music’ app from top to bottom”

Full article, with Apple’s iOS 8.4 beta change log, here.

MacDailyNews Take: For Apple and music, somethings big this way come.

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