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Apple buys into big data?

“Reports claim Apple has agreed to purchase FoundationDB, manufacturer of powerful future-focused databasing software, designed to support applications as service, online data and even big data solutions,” Jonny Evans writes for Computerworld.

“The purchase is likely to have implications for Apple’s suite of online services, from iCloud to Pages, Numbers, Keynote; to its iTunes Connect and iTunes Match services and, presumably, will be deployed within the much speculated upon Apple-branded version of Beats music streaming,” Evans writes. “The solution can support a wide variety of data types, from SQL to documents and beyond, through use of open source layers.”

“You can’t underestimate the value of this purchase. Way back in 2013, VAR Guy wrote: ‘FoundationDB’s suitability for a wide range of deployments, from single hosts to private server clusters to public clouds, adds to its potential to disrupt the database ecosystem,'” Evans writes. “Not only this but the database is fast, durable and runs on everyday systems, so it’s cheap to deploy and to run. It’s the kind of power Apple will need to handle its B/OSS tasks, while also being capable of use within data analytics and Big Data analysis, potentially enabling Cupertino to glean useful and actionable insights on what its customers are doing.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Also could be useful for any Internet TV plans Apple might have. Think “iTunes’ Genius feature for TV” and beyond!

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