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Wired’s 2014 Tech Surprises: Apple unveils Swift

“The tech world has a knack for the unexpected. In many ways, this is its reason for being,” Klint Finley writes for Wired. “But in 2014, things were particularly surprising.”

“From Apple building a new programming language to Google acquiring Nest, it was the year of the shocker.,” Finley writes. “Typically, new Apple products are rumored for months—sometimes years—before they’re unveiled. By the time the iPhone, iPad, and iWatch [sic] arrived, each had been the subject of countless leaks and speculations. Not so with Swift, the new programming language Apple released in July. The language—which combines elements of from several different languages beloved by hardcore coders— was one of the last things anyone was expecting from Tim Cook and company. But here it is.”

Read more in the full article here.

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