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Lacking its own OS, Samsung flounders in Apple’s formidable wake

“You might be surprised to learn that Google is a significant problem for Samsung given that Samsung uses the Android operating system in its smart phones,” Michael Yoshikami writes for CNBC. “But here’s the problem for Samsung: Google regularly undercuts Samsung’s offerings by selling unlocked devices (without so-called bloatware) often directly to consumers. They just did it again and released the Nexus X.”

“This is exactly why Samsung is attempting to develop their own operating system called Tizen that will supposedly be released as a competitive operating system to Android and iOS,” Yoshikami writes. “Unfortunately for Samsung, Tizen continues to be delayed and all indications are that the operating system is not ready for prime time. This is understandable given the challenges that companies face in launching new operating systems. It is not easy creating a new ecosystem.”

“So, as Samsung struggles to develop their own operating system, they flood the market with new products. Half a dozen watches, two versions of the Samsung Note, two versions of the Galaxy S5, Samsung Alpha, Samsung Galaxy Mini, etc. etc. Throwing hardware to capture market share is a costly strategy but Samsung is forced to do their best to innovate on hardware because they have no operating system differentiation,” Yoshikami writes. “It’s a difficult position to be in when you are chasing a strong competitor in Apple and forced to utilize the same core operating system as a competitor who consistently undercuts you on hardware price (Google).”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Gee, that’s too bad. 🙂

In the face of new iPhones with properly-sized displays (finally!), Apple Pay, HealthKit, HomeKit, and Apple Watch, “Beleaguered Samsung” will be here before you know it!

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Fred Mertz” and “Wirehead” for the heads up.]

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