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Apple looks to hire beleaguered BlackBerry’s top software VP, BlackBerry wins court battle over departure

“Sebastien Marineau-Mes, BlackBerry’s SVP of Software, is leaving the ailing smartphone manufacturer for brighter and warmer pastures: Apple,” Derek Kessler reports for iMore. “Or at least that’s what he’s trying to do, if it weren’t for those pesky contracts.”

“As revealed in a recent ruling from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice document, Marineau-Mes began discussing leaving BlackBerry for Apple back in September 2013, and was formally offered the position of Vice President of Core OS in December,” Kessler reports. “He accepted the position and offered his written resignation to BlackBerry on December 23rd, advising them that he’d likely be heading out to Apple in two months time. That’s where the legal dispute of BlackBerry Limited v. Marineau-Mes started, as per a contract signed by Marineau-Mes that gave him a promotion to BlackBerry EVP of Platform Development he was required to provide six months notice of his resignation.”

“So BlackBerry took Marineau-Mes to court, and the court agreed that he should fulfill his six-month notice obligation at the company,” Kessler reports. “It’s hard to say what effect exactly this ruling will have on Marineau-Mes’ status at BlackBerry and Apple. At the very least we can expect that it will push back his end date in Waterloo to June 23rd — or the 4-month delay could make Apple look elsewhere.”

Read more in the full article here.

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