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Apple’s products and services best appreciated as a whole

“Apple is such a large company that it’s always working on multiple projects at the same time. Even more interesting is the synergy of those efforts,” John Martellaro writes for TheStreet. “In contrast to some companies, Apple’s coherent vision of where it wants to go means that it works on seemingly disparate projects that are nevertheless designed to eventually dovetail.”

“In the course of developing those projects, some are rolled out as standalone features that may seem questionable in isolation,” Martellaro writes. “That’s because some technologies must be stress tested before the final integration.”

Martellaro writes, “For example, what’s the relationship between Touch ID — Apple’s fingerprint recognition system on the new iPhone 5s — and iCloud? The connection doesn’t seem obvious until Apple adds iBeacon, a secure payment system with its AppleID and the iCloud keychain. The result is that, at some critical point, a complete architecture for mobile payments is suddenly, surprisingly in place.”

Read more in the full article here.

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