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iTunes Radio heats up music streaming battle as service spreads beyond U.S.

“Listening to music used to be as simple as switching on the radio or popping down to your local music store to buy the latest CD, but that’s changed as the internet has allowed people to access whatever content they like, whenever they like,” Mahesh Sharma reports for The Sydney Morning Herald.

“Music listeners will be spoilt for choice next year when Apple is expected to launch the local version of iTunes Radio, unleashing a new wave of channels for Australians to access their favourite music,” Sharma reports. “Apple’s algorithmically-driven predictive song streaming app is expected to instantly bring music streaming technology to the masses, while other market leaders such as Spotify and Pandora, as well as third-party providers such as Sydney’s Omny and Perth’s Discovr, develop new ways to provide unique, personalised services.”

“iTunes Radio will be an overnight success, according to Ed Hooper, whose radio app Omny splices personalised information such as weather and traffic, breaking news and podcasts into music streams” Sharma reports. “[Hooper said], ‘Twenty million users for iTunes radio is as easy as 20 million iPhone users thinking ‘I wonder what that button does?’ For Spotify, it’s meant a lot of hard work, getting users to install and use their applications.'”

Read more in the full article here.

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