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ZDNet: Apple Maps’ worldview is now better than Google Maps

“It had its share of problems, but Apple Maps is back with a vengeance,” David Braue reports for ZDNet. “Powered by some jaw-dropping 3D graphics and enjoying an aggressive multi-platform strategy, Apple is finally set to redefine our geospatial expectations – and take Google down a few notches.”

“Some questioned whether including Maps in the operating system was a simply gratuitous nod to the increasing incursion of iOS user-interface tropes into the desktop Mac OS X environment,” Braue reports. “Anyone so inclined should run up a full-screen instance of Maps on their 27-inch iMac, using Apple’s Magic Trackpad to spin, zoom and fly through 3D renderings of cities around the world. It’s a novelty on an iPhone, but on a 27-inch screen it’s literally an adventure.”

“Maps is uniquely important in markets such as education, where maps are an everyday part of learning (and not just in geography) and the ability to pull up and zoom through the maps students are discussing is invaluable,” Braue reports. “As today’s iPad and MacBook-wielding students become more and more accustomed to Apple Maps, they will come to believe that it is how all maps should look – and will question anything else they encounter. That’s where Apple’s vision will have really paid off – as it has already done by seeding iPads in schools to win over tablet users early in their lives.”

Much more in the full article here.

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