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Why I’m dumping Android and Nexus 7 and buying an Apple iPad

“I love Linux. Or rather, I love Linux in certain situations. I’ve used it quite extensively for years, both in desktop and server functions. I’ve built web servers, mail servers, DNS servers, and file storage. I’ve waded through the dependency tangles on the desktop and fought to get the wireless working on many many laptops,” Caleb Kraft blogs for EETimes. “However, I found that when it came to daily functional use, I was spending more time making the system work than I was working at the system. With Linux, I always had some issue for which I would have to find a workaround.”

“When Android surfaced, I saw a brilliant opportunity for purpose-built devices on open-source software to excel and kick some serious butt. I ran out and bought a Nook Color and rooted it. After a week or two of playing with it, I was again finding that I spent more time getting it to work than I did actually getting to use it,” Kraft writes. “Around this time, I bought a first generation, used iPad for my kids to play with. It has functioned completely flawlessly and still does to this day. Every ‘app’ I buy for it functions as advertised, and they are all designed for this exact piece of hardware, though I understand it is possible to run iPhone apps on the device. I have had zero hardware bugs.”

“I recently found myself in need of a portable system for writing while I travel, so I started shopping around. I was immediately drawn to the Nexus7 v2. This thing is a piece of beauty with its amazingly high-resolution screen, thin and light construction, and fantastic battery. Google has put a lot of work into the Play store in the last couple years, which really gave me hope for the application issues. I bought one and did it happily,” Kraft writes. “That part of me that hates being mainstream rejoiced in the ability to figuratively give the finger to the big evil corporation of Apple.”

Kraft writes, “Today, I’m returning it and getting an iPad.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Why buy a knockoff when you can own the real thing?

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Double07” for the heads up.]

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