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Hidden contacts revealed within Apple’s iOS in the Car

“A closer examination of iOS in the Car, unveiled at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference last month, reveals both a deeper glimpse at its user interface and indicates it’s actually a real product, not just a conceptual demo,” Daniel Eran Dilger reports for AppleInsider.

“There’s compelling evidence that [Eddy] Cue’s [WWDC 2013] demonstration wasn’t simply a series of mocked up graphics that anyone with a basic graphics editor could put together: there was more to be revealed in Apple’s public demo,” Dilger reports. “If you freeze the video at the beginning, where Cue introduced Siri listening for the next command, you can see a strange, subtle artifact at the top of the screen.”

Dilger reports, “f you process and enhance the video, an entirely new screen that Apple has never revealed in public appears: the Contacts page associated with selecting what appear to be Favorites, Recents, all Contacts, a dialing Keypad, and a harder to make out icon that appears to be Voicemail.”

Read more in the full article here.

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