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Analyst: Google Fiber could kill cable, phone giants

“Google’s ambitious push to build superfast networks in specific cities, may seem like just another wild idea to come out of the Silicon Valley giant,” Benjamin Pimentel reports for MarketWatch.

“But Google Fiber, as the initiative is called, may just turn out to be a smart long-term business idea, one that poses a serious threat to traditional telephone and cable companies, a Bernstein analyst said Tuesday,” Pimentel reports. “In fact, analyst Carlos Kirjner argues, ‘Our analysis suggests that long-term investors in cable and telephone companies should at least seriously consider the possibility of ‘the frog slowly being boiled,” he wrote.”

Pimentel reports, “Kirjner stresses that Google Fiber poses ‘limited’ short-term threat to the established phone and cable companies. But the long-term risks are clear, he argued.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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