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Samsung to appeals court: Injunction won by Apple would only ‘confuse and intimidate’ customers

“In its response to Apple’s effort to win a permanent injunction in the United States against many Samsung products over multiple intellectual property rights, Samsung argues that the sales ban sought by Apple — and denied by Judge Koh in December despite a multiplicity of infringement findings by a California jury in August 2012 — ‘would not stop any ongoing infringement, for Samsung has either discontinued the accused products or designed around any infringing features in the ones it still sells,'” Florian Müller writes for FOSS Patents.

“Alluding to letters a law firm sent on Apple’s behalf to various U.S. retailers in connection with a preliminary injunction grnated last year, Samsung claims that ‘the only effect of an injunction would be to confuse and intimidate Samsung’s carriers and retailers with respect to non-accused products never adjudicated in this case, harming Samsung’s longstanding market relationships,'” Müller writes. “Samsung seeks affirmance of Judge Koh’s holding that Apple failed to establish a causal nexus between the infringements identified and the harm it alleges to suffer from Samsung’s competing products.”

Tons more in the full article here.

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