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US court questions public interest scope in Apple secrecy hearing

“c and trade secrets at a hearing on Tuesday over document secrecy in Apple Inc’s patent litigation against Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.,” Alina Selyukh reports for Reuters.

“A coalition of media advocacy groups and news organizations is asking the Federal U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a lower court ruling that ordered the companies to unseal many financial documents filed in the high-stakes patent case,” Selyukh reports. “The coalition of media and free speech advocates, including the New York Times and Bloomberg, argued that access to the sealed information is important for the public to understand the judicial process and why one tech giant may ultimately prevail.”

“But the three-judge Federal Circuit panel, which specializes in patent cases, expressed concerns about whether their definition of trade secrets is too narrow and public interest, too broad,” Selyukh reports. “‘You really seem to be saying that a trade secret is the formula for Coke and not much else,’ said Judge William Bryson… Bryson on Tuesday also appeared to attempt to detach Samsung from Apple in the secrecy dispute, questioning Samsung’s lack of its own proof of damages that unsealed documents would cause.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Judge Bork” for the heads up.]

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