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Apple’s new iOS update blocks Evasi0n jailbreak

“After 43 days of jailbreaking frenzy [18.2 million unique devices running iOS 6 have visited Cydia], Apple has closed the cell doors again,” Andy Greenberg reports for Forbes. “The latest 6.1.3 update to iOS released Tuesday includes a patch that prevents the use of the hacking tool evasi0n, which since early February has become the most popular program ever for ‘jailbreaking’ phones and tablets to remove their software restrictions.”

“David Wang, one of the four hackers who created evasi0n, confirms that the new update includes a patch for a bug in iOS’s time zone settings, one of a series of vulnerabilities that allowed the tool to dismantle the iPhone’s and iPads’ considerable security measures. Wang first spotted the bug fix in the beta version of the update released to developers last month,” Greenberg reports. “In fact, Apple writes in notes accompanying the update that it has fixed six bugs in total, and graciously credits the hackers behind evasi0n with making them aware of four of them.”

Read more in the full article here.

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Apple releases iOS 6.1.3 – March 19, 2013

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