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Google Maps faces ban in Germany over patent infringement

“Judge Dr. Matthias Zigann of the Munich I Regional Court just told Google and its Motorola Mobility subsidiary in no uncertain terms that his court is at this point (prior to counsel’s argument on claim construction, infringement and validity) inclined to hold Google Inc., its subsidiary Motorola Mobility LLC and MMI’s German subsidiary liable for infringement of a key Microsoft patent, EP0845124 on a ‘computer system for identifying local resources and method therefor,’ which is the European equivalent of U.S. Patent No. 6,240,360,” FLorian Mueller reports for FOSS Patents.

“Google has not been able so far to convince the court that the patent is highly probable to be invalidated at the end of a parallel nullity proceeding,” Mueller reports. “Microsoft is seeking, and now very likely to obtain, a German patent injunction against the Google Maps service, the Google Maps Android client app, and web browsers providing access to Google Maps.”

Mueller reports, “In order to comply with the injunction that looms large, Google would have to disable access to Google Maps from computers using a German IP address, discontinue shipping the Google Maps Android app in the German market, and distribute web browsers in Germany only if they block access to Google Maps in a way comparable to Internet filters used for the purpose of parental controls.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Oops.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Sarah” and “iDjon” for the heads up.]

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