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Judge Lucy Koh orders Apple and Samsung to narrow claims

“Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. must narrow their patent-infringement lawsuit case scheduled for trial in 2014, a judge ruled,” Joel Rosenblatt reports for Bloomberg.

“U.S. District Judge Lucy H. Koh in San Jose, California, today told lawyers from both companies that they must ‘focus and streamline’ their cases to 25 patent claims, or elements of the patents at issue, and 25 accused products,” Rosenblatt reports. “‘We’ll keep narrowing and narrowing,’ Koh said. ‘You’ve already been litigating this thing for a year; you must know something about what’s your best case.'”

Rosenblatt reports, “Koh last month rejected Apple’s request to add additional damages to the first patent-infringement case between the two companies in San Jose. In that case, a jury awarded Apple $1.05 billion, finding the Suwon, South Korea-based company infringed six of the iPhone maker’s mobile-device patents.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The wheels of justice fell off due to inaction months ago.

Heckuva job, Lucy.

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