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Apple insights on the post-Jobs era from Jony Ive, Woz, and Art Levinson

“Apple spends almost as much time naming products as it does designing them, and things are ‘weird’ in the post-Jobs era as the company struggles to keep from ‘losing its edge,'” Christina Bonnington reports for Wired.

“That is the collective insight of three big-name Appelista — design chief Jony Ive, chairman Art Levinson, and co-founder Steve Wozniak — who have been unusually loquacious when asked about Apple’s culture and current state in recent days,” Bonnington reports. “Their frank discussions stand in stark contrast to the drum-tight control Steve Jobs held over Apple and public statements about Apple, its creative process, and its future were few and far between.”

Bonnington reports, “But this is the Tim Cook era, and we’re getting more frequent glimpses of life within the Cupertino campus.”

Read more in the full article here.

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