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Like Netflix, Apple should consider getting into the television production business

“Before (and after) the Super Bowl this past weekend, I once again found myself in love with Netflix,” Byran M. Wolfe writes for AppAdvice. “For most of the weekend, I watched with delight nearly half the episodes of ‘House of Cards,’ which stars Kevin Spacey as a nasty congressman with a vendetta against nearly everyone in Washington, D.C.”

“This isn’t some low-rent series that one may find on another streaming video site. Rather, it is a series that could run on FX, or more specifically, HBO,” Wolfe writes. “Netflix, by launching original series’, is suggesting that network and cable television isn’t the only game in town.”

Wolfe writes, “With all the talk of a rumored Apple television, perhaps Apple should consider getting into the television production business, or at least partnering with someone else… Just imagine the excitement were Apple to release an actual television that came with original programming. I bet that it would be huge, for example, if Apple would work with Disney’s Pixar to create original children’s programming only available on Apple devices.”

Read more in the full article here.

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