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Extremely cheap off-brand Android tablets could boost China market up to 250 million units this year

“There is unquestionably a massive and rapidly growing market for extremely cheap Android tablets in China. How big this grey market is hard to quantify and I know I am not the only analyst currently trying,” Ben Bajarin writes for TechPinions.

“However, through some trusted sources in the supply chain who have common parts across these devices, I think I can approximate its size potential,” Bajarin writes. “Toward the later half of 2012 these tablets sold into China and grey market, super cheap [US$47-$60 for 7-inch, $150 for 10-inch], locally made Android tablets were creeping up on 20 million a quarter. This segment is gaining steam and I believe the market for tablets in China could be as high as 200-250 million units in 2013 largely driven by the grey market and super cheap Android tablets.”

Bajarin write, “These grey market tablets will help develop the market for tablets at large. As Chinese customers experience these products for the first time and potentially refresh them several times a year, these consumers will become accustomed to their needs, wants, and desires with regards to tablets and then begin to shop for products who are innovating and adding value. This is where the brand comes in, because as value is established in the mind of the consumer, they are willing to pay more for the function and convenience.”

Much more in the full article – recommended – here.

MacDailyNews Take: Chinese consumers: Save the money you would have wasted learning the hard way that you wanted a real iPad and apply it toward a real iPad or iPad mini instead.

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