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Cracking the China code: Microsoft vs. Apple

“In 2011 Microsoft’s CEO bemoaned that revenue in China was about 5% of what it obtained in the US,” Horace Dediu writes for Asymco. “Yesterday Apple’s CEO suggested that revenue from China will overtake the US in the near future.”

“The contrast is even more stark when one considers the time and effort each company has made in China,” Dediu writes. “Microsoft has been investing and promoting itself in China for decades while Apple barely had any presence 3 years ago.”

Dediu writes, “China and the US have a roughly equal number of PCs but the mobile users in China exceed the US by a factor of three to one. The pool of users is so great that Apple obtained its growth even with reaching only 30% mobile network distribution coverage… But more fundamentally, Microsoft’s software licensing business model is severely limited in China because what it offers is not what is valued.”

Much more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It’s all over but the shouting.

Rest in pieces, Microsoft.

Related articles:
Tim Cook: China will overtake U.S. as Apple’s biggest market – January 11, 2013
Microsoft’s Bill Gates: ‘We’ve been f—-ed by China’ – September 6, 2005

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