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Nobody cares about CES 2013 because Apple’s not there

“There is a palpable sense of what can only be described as “Meh” coming out of this year’s Consumer Electronics Show,” David Gewirtz writes for ZDNet.

“Here’s the thing, and I hate to even bring it up. Think about this for a second,” Gewirtz writes. “Who’s the world’s most successful consumer electronics company? Yeah, if you mentioned Apple, you’d be pretty much right (there’s some executive at Samsung right now with a fist in the air, yelling ‘Damn you, Apple!’). Okay, let’s try a related question: what consumer electronics company generates enormous buzz when its new products come out? Sigh. Apple, of course.”

Gewirtz writes, “Ready for the third question? Here it is. What well-known consumer electronics behemoth didn’t bother to show at the Consumer Electronics Show? Yep, that’d be Apple… We have too much crap. We’re in a dull, dismal economy. Most of us already have one of this and two of that and four of that other thing. New introductions already seem like also-rans after just a day. And there’s no buzz. Worse, even Apple is starting to seem boring. They’ve already shot their wad and we’re all just wondering what new thrill they can offer us.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: David is right about CES, it’s been that way for many years now, but he couldn’t be more wrong about Apple. This is the calm before the storm.

“I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it.” – Steve Jobs, August 24, 2011

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Edward W.” for the heads up.]

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