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Why Apple does cloud computing right

“Something that came in handy for me this Christmas has been iCloud and more especially when you take holography and they are automatically synchronised between your iPhone and iPad and your MacBook,” Sammual James McLoughlin writes for PalmAddict.

“I guess after the mistakes of MobileMe I had lost faith in the very little I knew about cloud computing but I think it was a good PR move when Steve Jobs held his hands up and admitted the mistakes of previous cloud attempts,” McLoughlin writes. “Yes, iCloud has had its troubles, however they haven’t really affected me personally and it’s good to see they were resolved quickly. So, thinking about it, the cloud really has made my life easier, I’m glad a Apple Genius showed me the benefits of cloud computing and I know having read many of your user thoughts that you find iCloud just as useful.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Being a “PalmAddict” today is like being addicted to Dodo eggs.

This situation would be unbearable for Sam – if not for his Apple iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and iCloud. 🙂

We’ve learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone. PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They’re not going to just walk in.Palm CEO Ed Colligan, commenting on then-rumored Apple iPhone, Nov. 16, 2006

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