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Analyst: Apple will own this holiday season

“With a newly refreshed product lineup and pent-up demand for its devices, Apple will have a standout holiday shopping season, according to Topeka Capital analyst Brian White,” Aabha Rathee reports for Wall St. Cheat Sheet.

“White, who wrote in a research note on Monday that the recent sell-off of Apple shares was ‘insanely insane,’ cited a Consumer Electronics Association survey in a new analysis released on Tuesday,” Rathee reports. “According to the survey, tablets were now the most-desired holiday present among U.S. adults with 16 percent of the vote, while television sets followed with 10 percent and smartphones came in next at 8 percent.”

Rathee reports, “White said Apple’s products will be particularly in demand: ‘This holiday season will belong to Apple, as the product lineup has never been stronger with a recent refresh across 80 percent of the company’s portfolio, combined with spending trends in the consumer electronics world that favor areas such as tablets and smartphones.'”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “GetMeOnTop” for the heads up.]

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