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8 reasons why Apple’s iPad mini launch should have failed

“A new survey by Cowen and Co. reveals that the iPad mini isn’t cannibalizing sales of iPad but is instead doing exactly what Tim Cook had in mind… taking market share from PC’s,” Jason Schwarz writes for Seeking Alpha.

Schwarz writes, “The process in which Apple’s lineup of iPad’s becomes a PC substitute is happening before our eyes. This holiday quarter is set to be a tipping point in this evolution as it represents the first time Apple has offered a $329 entry point. The iPad mini and iPad 4 sold 3 million units on opening weekend despite the following eight reasons why this particular launch had every reason to fail.”

1. Price/Competition
2. The mini launched only six months after the iPad 3 release
3. The mini launched only weeks after the iPhone 5 release
4. The mini launch missed back to school shopping season
5. The mini launch occurred before the holiday buying season
6. The mini screen relies on old technology, there is no retina display
7. The mini sales numbers represented WiFi-only models
8. Most Apple fans already own an iPad or two

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Arline M.” for the heads up.]

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