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Still not enough iPhone 5 units to satisfy demand

“If iPhone 5 sales have not yet spiked to the heights investors had hoped, it’s not because of limited demand,” John Paczkowski reports for AllThingsD. “It’s due to a continuing shortfall in supply.”

“Two weeks after its retail debut, Apple’s latest iPhone continues to be difficult to come by, with devices ordered online showing shipping estimates of three weeks to four weeks, and a number of Apple’s retail stores reporting low inventory,” Paczkowski reports.

Paczkowski reports, “Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster… surveyed 100 U.S. Apple Stores over the past week and concluded that the supply of iPhone 5 is ‘extremely limited.’ Given that, Munster lowered his iPhone forecast for September from 27.2 million units to 25 million units.”

Read more in the full article here.

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